Communication Resources

0-3 (Early Language)

The Hanen Centre outlines ways parents can interact with their child to support language development and interaction.

Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)

PraacticalAAC is a phenomenal resource for AAC Users and their families.

Articulation, Phonology, Apraxia of Speech

Do's and Don'ts from Child Apraxia Treatment

Mommy Speech Therapy has plenty of articulation worksheets free to download!


R.O.C.K Strategy from the Hanen Center.


The Stuttering Foundation provides simple strategies to use when talking to your child.

iPad/Android Applications

Articulation Station Pro by Little Bee Speech: iPad only, some free sounds; $59.99 

My Play Home: iPad and Android, lite version is free

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Sentence Structure

Expanding Expression Tool is one of my favorite vocabulary and describing supports

Story Champs is my preferred tool to teach story grammar elements and support overall organization of narratives

Speech Language Development/Milestones

Communication Milestones is a FREE pdf download